A project I worked on for some time with werk.technica. I crea­ted some artwork for werk.technica’s first keyboard to tell a fictional story in a sci-fi world. The artworks were all crea­ted with Blen­der 3D and edited in Photo­shop. In addi­tion, there should be a short promo video for the Werk One, which ties in […]

The sky is dark, the sun shines in your face | Blen­der 3D

You find yours­elf in a desert. The sky is dark but the sun shines in your face. You feel the cool air on your skin. You look around and don’t see any civi­liza­tion as far as the hori­zon. Around you old ship­w­recks are scat­te­red. Behind you, three ships approach slowly. You feel the ground vibrate […]

Waking up on the roof of a freigh­ter space­ship | Blen­der 3D

A short anima­tion which I crea­ted based on a picture I made a few months ago.Short look around on the roof of a freigh­ter space­ship with other space­ships flying by. The anima­tion was crea­ted with Cycles and rende­red via Shee­pIt.The total render time was about 34 hours which was redu­ced to about 1 hour and […]

FPV Reel 2020

In mid-2020 I deci­ded to finally teach myself to fly FPV. After quite a few hours in the simu­la­tor and a few cras­hes, I soon got some nice results! I was allo­wed to fly in this half year in some very cool places, for which I am very grateful. Here you can see a “Best […]

E80-1800 | Blen­der 3D

After I heard that a friend of mine is desig­ning a new board for his old Cherry G80-1800 keyboard and that it works quite well so far, I offe­red to render him a small teaser as well as some product images. He provi­ded me with the model of the board, I just tried to create […]

Crash Site | Blen­der 3D

Short anima­tion of a space station that cras­hed in a very foggy night. Various police vehic­les and a heli­c­op­ter gather at the crash site. This time I put a little more effort into the sound design. Parts of the space station are from the “Space explo­ra­tion 3D pack” by beam­stu­dios. The scene was built and […]

Into space | Blen­der 3D

Short anima­tion of an astro­naut leaving a space station through an enorm­ous gate. The models were not crea­ted by me. Parts of the space station are from the “Space explo­ra­tion 3D pack” from beam­stu­dios. The space­ship which can be seen shortly is an adapted version of a ship from “marian87” on cgtrader.com. The astro­naut is […]

Approa­ching Space Station | Blen­der 3D

Small gimmick in Blen­der. Camera move­ment through space with a view of a space station, which is approa­ched by a space­ship. None of the models was crea­ted by me. The space station and the planets are from the great “Space explo­ra­tion 3D pack” from beam­stu­dios. The space­ship is an adapted version of a ship from […]

Concrete and Emis­sion | Blen­der 3D

I saw a cool Mine­craft ray tracing video from the YouTube chan­nel “Crow­ned” and thought to myself “Hey, I want to create some­thing like that in Blen­der”. It’s another “mile­stone” on my way to master Blen­der 3D. Music:Erik Satie: Gymno­pe­die No 1 recor­ded by Kevin MacLeod

Space­ship Drift | Blen­der 3D

One of seve­ral anima­ti­ons I crea­ted and rende­red with Blen­der 3D. In this case you see the launch of a space­ship from a space station in the middle of the endless expan­ses of space, in which it drifts around planets to an unmist­aka­ble movie sound­track. Rende­red in EEVEE.